Χρύσω Χριστοφόρου: “Η αλήθεια είναι ότι πάντα είχα μία μεγάλη φοβία για τους οδοντίατρους μέχρι που άκουσα για την κ Μαντώ και είπα να την επισκεφτώ. Πραγματικά ένιωσα τόσο μεγάλη ασφάλεια λόγω του επαγγελματισμού και της πείρας της που κανόνισα και τα επόμενα ραντεβού.Δουλεύει ήρεμα ακούγοντας ευχάριστα μουσικά κομμάτια. Σ’ευχαριστώ πολύ Μαντώ που μπορώ να χαμογελώ και πάλι.’’

Μιχαήλ Σπυριδάκις: “Δεν άφηνα οδοντίατρο να με πλησιάσει αλλά από τότε που επισκέφτηκα την κυρία Μαντώ άλλαξα γνώμη! Την συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα!’’

Κατερίνα Κωνσταντινίδου: “Ένα όμορφο χαμόγελο μας δίνει αυτοπεποίθηση. Τα προβληματα και οι ατέλειες στα δόντια μου με έκαναν να αποφεύγω να χαμογελώ. Οταν η δεξιοτέχνης οδοντιατρος μου Μαντώ με έπεισε πως μπορεί να κατορθώσει το ακατόρθωτο, το αποτελεσμα ήταν εκπληκτικό. Μαντώ σε ευχαριστώ για μια ζωή γεμάτη χαμόγελα!’’

Алексей Белкин (Alexei Belkin): Our family has been using the dental services rendered by Mrs. Mando Mavrou since 2011 and never had any complains in any sort or manner. Quality and professionalism of Mrs. Mando’s work made her our family dentist for as long as she will be willing to help us. When I say family I mean all my relatives in Cyprus and those who are coming for treatment to Cyprus from overseas. Cordial attitude and attentiveness to peculiarities of each client make the visits to Mrs. Mando a pleasure which might sound odd for coming to see a dentist. Good knowledge of dentist «science», implementation of innovative technologies and perfect awareness of local medical resources leaves no problems for Mrs. Mando to cure any dental disorder. I would recommend services of Mrs. Mando Mavrou to anybody without any hesitation.’’

Iris Mather: “I first met Mando Mavrou in 2010 when coincidentally we were in the same hospital having the same procedure. With hindsight how I wish, even in my semi conscious state, I had taken more notice of her profession. Fast forward two years and for several months I had raging toothache and despite treatment the problem persisted. It was then suggested I consult Mando who immediately recommended that I have a 360 degree dental X-ray. I remember her words as she examined the X-ray, » My God, no wonder you are in pain». A combination of abscesses and disease of the gums meant that I needed urgent teeth extractions which were carried out by Mando and a maxillofacial surgeon. The care and professionalism with which these procedures were carried out were second to none. What has made the greatest impression on me is not just Mando’s professionalism but the love and the care that she shows to all of her patients. Let’s face it no one welcomes a trip to the dentist. However Mando is the consummate professional who not only has the dentistry skills but also has a sunny warm personality to immediately make everyone feel at ease. Obviously all of the above are my personal experiences but as someone who has visited dentists over many decades I have no hesitation in recommending Mando Mavrou.’’